Monday, 12 August 2013

Mt.Shiveer Guide

Hiya Jammers! Lets continue our Journey Guide. Yesterday, after exploring Appondale, i went to Jamaa Township to buy a nice Jet Ski to travel to the northern ice village of Mt.Shiveer. Such ice places have a special season, called a tundra. This is when the ice melts, and the animals change colors. Arctic foxes change from white to dull brown, stoats change to pale brown. There are even mosquitoes who LOVE to lay their eggs in melted ice ponds.
Oh Zios, why won't I shut up and get to adventuring?
First, lets go get the red panda. Red pandas may look like a raccoon, but they are classed with the pandas. Or bears, in the family Ursidae.
                      After a few moments, i found one on a bamboo stalk, climbing up.

                                                                    You can find it at the far-right end of the pool in front of Hot Cocoa Hut.

Now lets go look for a hawk moth. Hawk moths are named for their smooth and graceful wing beats. Their closest relative is the Atlas Moth, which has the wingspan of almost one feet!

I finally found it flying above few rocks. 

Up next to find is some awesome gold. Gold is found all over the world, in jungles, seas, in the ice, on caves, rarely found in deserts. After scrambling around, I found on in fact glued to the cave link to Crystal Sands.

 Now lets go find the partridge, a type of chubby bird.
It is found on a cliff just beside the gold cave.

Up next to shoot a picture of is a yak. Yaks are relatives of Musk Oxen. But the musk oxen is related to goats rather to oxen. After a few minutes of sitting near the fire, i saw one.
Or a group of them, to be honest. 

I heard Mt. Shiveer has some pretty cool minerals, and on of the is slate. I don't know much about them, but i do know they are widely used for everything. Slates are formed by shale, when the shale, or a gap filled with a bit of black oil, the precious black oil, has to much pressure. Here it is, above the Cocoa Hut.

Now lets go find the moss, Himalayan Poppy, and the Juniper. 

Moss are forms of greenery found grown outta ice. Yes, that's right. But not just ice. All over the world. Look at your garden my dears. See tree with green dots and specks and 'stains"? THAT is moss. Types of parasites live in them. 
And poppies are flowers like roses, also a symbol of death. They are big, so you can probably find them. But here are the pictures: 

Lets find the lemming now. When lemmings, relatives of mice, come out to play, they have to watch out for the Arctic fox, or the Arctic Wolf, who both love to eat such animals. 
It is found in a gap in the slides of MT.Shiveer. 

 As for the last straw, the Himalayan Tahr, it is found in the mountains, hopping up to the peak.

Alright, now it is time to go my darling friends! I will go back to the township to get a nice climbing suit, then travel east to the jungles of Sarepia Forest.
See you tomorrow!

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